About me

I am from Kent, UK but have previously lived in both Singapore and Sydney. I have a strong interest in media mainly about digital platforms and the dynamic workings of how the media works in the present day in relation to the past. I have a big passion for dance including styles such as ballet, jazz, ballroom and latin, and have been dancing from the age of 2 and have continued to explore this during my time at university. My time at university so far has been incredibly and I have learnt such a vast range of new skills and knowledge which I feel very grateful for being able to expeirence.

My experiences

I have been studing media for 5 years starting with GCSE in school and A-level achieving an A grade. During this time I have produced an opening sequence for a thriller film, created and acting in a music video, created multiple websites and DVD covers. I was also introduced to various theorists' and their ideas meaning that when arriving at university I had a base level of understanding media concepts which I have been able to build on and expand my knowledge.

  • gem
  • camera
  • newspaper
  • microphone
  • star
  • laptop

Links to my work

Playground: playground.html
Calvino: calvino.html
Peatcutter's Croft: peatcutters.html
Website Redesign: websiteredesign.html
Fluid: fluid.html